Wednesday, December 5, 2012

GivingTuesday GiveCorps Infographic

At GiveCorps we decided that it would be better to show visually all we had accomplished through GivingTuesday! Here is the infographic I created!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Since both of my last posts were titled in hashtags (how I could commit such internet sacrilege I do not know) I introduce to you the first baby ever named...


weird right?


The week after Thanksgiving leads to black Friday and cyber Monday, both holidays about buying and buying frivolously. However a new holiday appeared this year: Giving Tuesday-- a holiday rooted in giving to others.

The company I work for, GiveCorps, became an official sponsor of Giving Tuesday (more commonly known as #GivingTuesday on twitter) and they are matching donations up to $5000. Not only that but givers will still be rewarded with the normal local business coupons! 

Start your holiday spirit right by donating and by enjoying my poorly photoshopped Giving Tuesday givers lining up to donate at GiveCorps!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Acts of Kindness

When I took pictures of people for my class at the Lion Shrine I took some people's emails in order to send them their photos. Most of them responded thanking me but specifically two were overly nice and show some of the wonderful people out there:

"Thank-You so much for sending these photos to me. Yours are so much better than mine. In fact, we'll be using one of your pics for our Christmas Card that we send to friends and family this year! We so appreciate your kindness in taking and emailing these photos."

"Thank you for all of the great photos! We are so glad our paths crossed that day. We have never had a family picture taken, so these are very special to us!"

The greatest thing to do with a random act of kindness is pass it on! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Photoshop Faux Pa

In doing research for one of my classes on ethics I came across this ad from the Bloomberg administration and their goal to ban soda in New York City which I found to be very interesting.

Check out this ad:

& now the original photo before photoshop magic:

Although soda may lead to type two diabetes which may lead to amputations, it was not the case for this man.

Just keep on your toes (no pun intended) and remember you can't always believe what you see (or in this case don't see)!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My own website?!

I guess technically I can consider this blog a website of its own however, it was just time to get a real page!

*DISCLAIMER* it is still a work in progress but let me know what you think:


& please let me know what I can do to make it even better!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Anniversary GiveCorps!

This Thursday marked GiveCorps One Year Anniversary!

I made my way down to Baltimore with my boyfriend Jake to celebrate and to see all of the planning, designing and hard work finally come together! Opening the boxes that were delivered to the office was literally like Christmas morning (I am pretty sure everyone has now confirmed that I am actually crazy)! All in all it was 1,600 napkins (6 different styles), 2,500 raffle tickets, 1,000 tshirts (2 colors), 300 custom name tags, 14 different 20x30in posters & 6 combination moustache and monocle props to take the most wonderful pictures! 

Here are some wonderful pictures of the designed items that I created finally in real life!

& remember you don't have to be rich to be a philanthropist!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shrine Stalking

For my photojournalism class we each were assigned an hour during Homecoming Week to take photos of everyone who came to get their pictures taken at the 

Lion Shrine

Here are some of the kids that graced the Nittany Lion that chilly Sunday morning!

 This little guy finished his photo shoot by letting out his biggest lion roar. So precious!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Happy Homecoming!

 As promised here is our homecoming banner!

& our wonderful float!

For The Glory!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I can show you the world...

Shining, Shimmering, Splendid!

Homecoming comes just once a year! This year my sorority, Omega Phi Alpha, is paired with Sigma Nu with the theme of Aladdin. Although I will miss last year and Mike Wazowski...

it means a new theme to design for!! I created a design with the genie as the Nittany Lion which ended up being used for our banner in the parade (I promise I will post a picture of it later)!

It is the perfect week to celebrate some Penn State Nittany Lion pride and hope for my sorority and our pairing to place overall in the Homecoming competition!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why We Dance The Story of THON

One of my favorite things about being a Penn State student is THON. 

The Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (THON) is the largest student run philanthropy in the world raising $10,686,924.83 just last year to fight Pediatric Cancer!

There has been an hour public television documentary created and it airs tomorrow, Thursday, September 27 at 8pm in State College! You really do not want to miss it! 

If you aren't from the state college area this link lists all of the other times it will be aired:

For The Kids!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sticker Spasm

In the process of trying to find a custom sticker manufacturer last night I ran in to some wonderful designs that are worth the share!

Who doesn't want to proclaim their Facebook likes in the outernet.

This design was created by 55 Hi's and after stalking their site, they offer wonderfully designed cards, prints, posters and wallpapers (& so much of it includes typography)!!
What was cheap is actually chic!

12 inches is a company named for the size of their bottle (it is twelve inches--surprise)! When they were starting they did not have much money for their branding so they put their design on packing tape. They could use it for their labels and to ship all of their products out. Since thrifty is my middle name, I can not be more in to this concept!!

This just begs for you to put a star where you live on the map!

Although it is not what you would normally think of when you think sticker, this wall art is not only cool it is educational! Sold by Not On The High Street, finally I might have found a way to learn my geography-- but I am not betting on it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Philanthropists Wanted

If you are from the Baltimore area, you are in luck! 

This summer I worked for GiveCorps as their marketing intern and I had the opportunity to plan their one year anniversary! The party is on October 11th and everyone is invited.  

The best part is you don't even need a ticket, just bring full change jar to enter! 

(what a wonderful marketing idea, right!?)

All of the money raised goes to local Baltimore non-profits organizations all of whom you get to meet at the event. 

Check out the poster I made this summer to learn more and make sure to check out GiveCorps on Facebook & Twitter!

Here is one promise, I will not be the one counting the change.

P.S. There is obviously swag involved. Check out the shirt I made!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Panning Perfection

Thumbs up to you, Shock Top Man!

College avenue always has surprises up its sleeve, for example a shock top car complete with mohawk. Luckily, I was camera ready and used a technique called panning.

Panning includes using a slower shutter speed (I used 1/30th of a second) and physically moving the camera with the movement to keep the moving object in focus.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Birthday Blues

Turning 22 feels like it could be the worst possible birthday.

Living in a college town the countdown begins the minute you step on campus to your 21st birthday. Approaching your 22nd birthday, on the other hand, feels like you are Justin Timberlake in In Time watching the minutes dwindle to your death sentence.

Yesterday, I decided to embrace those minutes not by getting blue but by enjoying the color blue!

My best friend and roommate Sara bought me (my favorite) a Wegmans glazed blueberry bagel for breakfast! You read that right & you have to try one--trust me!

Luckily, I also fit in a blueberry cake donut and blueberry iced coffee in to my day all while wearing a new pair of bright blue skinny jeans! (sorry for the stealthy photo, eating in class is a little more than frowned upon)

Although it was not the most exciting birthday in the world (and furthers my fears of getting old) it just reminded me, yet again, to make the little things count.