Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Since both of my last posts were titled in hashtags (how I could commit such internet sacrilege I do not know) I introduce to you the first baby ever named...


weird right?


The week after Thanksgiving leads to black Friday and cyber Monday, both holidays about buying and buying frivolously. However a new holiday appeared this year: Giving Tuesday-- a holiday rooted in giving to others.

The company I work for, GiveCorps, became an official sponsor of Giving Tuesday (more commonly known as #GivingTuesday on twitter) and they are matching donations up to $5000. Not only that but givers will still be rewarded with the normal local business coupons! 

Start your holiday spirit right by donating and by enjoying my poorly photoshopped Giving Tuesday givers lining up to donate at GiveCorps!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Acts of Kindness

When I took pictures of people for my class at the Lion Shrine I took some people's emails in order to send them their photos. Most of them responded thanking me but specifically two were overly nice and show some of the wonderful people out there:

"Thank-You so much for sending these photos to me. Yours are so much better than mine. In fact, we'll be using one of your pics for our Christmas Card that we send to friends and family this year! We so appreciate your kindness in taking and emailing these photos."

"Thank you for all of the great photos! We are so glad our paths crossed that day. We have never had a family picture taken, so these are very special to us!"

The greatest thing to do with a random act of kindness is pass it on! :)